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Technical Product

من: 17/05/2023 إلى: 17/05/2023 01:00 ص


Product Definition

The IT Sector Product offers financial guarantees to support SMEs in the Technical Sectors.

Targets Audience

MSMEs in the Technical Sectors by ISIC classification.

Maximum guarantee value

 Up to a Maximum of 2.5 million riyals for Micro Enterprises

 Up to a Maximum of 5 million riyals for Small Enterprises

 Up to a Maximum of 15 million riyals for Medium Enterprises

Maximum Coverage Ratio

The Program offers a funding guarantee of up 90% of the funding value.​

Benefit Steps

  • The enterprise applies for financing to the financial entities cooperating with the Program directly, or to apply through the finance portal supervised by the SME Bank.
  •  Request for funding and if the funding provider needs guarantees to cover the risks, it is transferred to the Program to study the request for Kafalah.
  • Kafalah Program studies the request and if approved by the Program, Kafalah is issued in favor of the financier.